Family Planning through a Behavioural Science lens



Family Planning through a Behavioural Science lens

Several policies have been introduced to address a core issue in different societies, specifically in Arab countries: the population problem. An increase in a country’s population does not only impact the division of resources, employment, income distribution, and economic status at the country level but also affects the socio-economic status of individuals. Despite the awareness campaigns, the information sessions, and the introduced policies, a UCL research team still found that unplanned pregnancies at least doubled in the past couple of years (2020-21). This confirms that is not merely a policy issue but rather a cultural, societal, and behavioural matter. That is why it is important to introduce a behavioural lens to family planning policies. This event aims to introduce us to the current and past behavioural research done on family planning. Researchers will present their experimental findings and policy results in order to help us understand the fundamental behavioural causes of inefficient family planning. This would allow EMARDEV better consult policymakers on population problems and poor family planning cases to improve and safeguard human lives.

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